Ayurveda And Panchakarma

Ayurveda In India

Ayurveda is one of the oldest sciences of healing. The name "Ayurveda" is derived from two Sanskrit words, "ayuh", meaning "longevity" or "life", and "Veda", meaning "science". In India, Ayurveda recognizes that humans are made up of a combination of 5 elements Air, water, fire, earth and space. These elements form energies or life forces known as doshas (bodily humour).

Ayurvedic treatment in India is based on the three types of doshas:

Vata (Space + Air)

It is responsible for movement and bodily processes like respiration, cell division, and circulation. The primary doshas for Vata-dominant people are considered quick-witted, prone to thinness, anxiety, dry skin, and constipation.

Kapha (Water+ Earth)

This constitutes strength, growth and immunity. Kapha, as their primary dosha, is believed to be calm, well-built, and prone to diabetes, sinus congestion, obesity, and gallbladder problems.

Pitta (Fire + Water)

It regulates the hormones and the digestive system. The primary dosha is believed to have a fierce personality, oily skin, and is prone to cardiovascular disease, stomach ulcers, heartburn, inflammations, and arthritis.

According to Ayurveda in India, an individual's dosha balance is believed to explain individual differences and disease potential. There is a blend of these three doshas in each individual, but one type of dosha remains dominant. It is believed that when the doshas are out of balance, the organic flow of life force energy and prana is disrupted. Disturbed energy flow is believed to impair digestion and build up toxins in the body, further impairing energy and digestion.

Panchakarma In India

Panchakarma in India is a therapeutic program that purifies and rejuvenates the body, mind and consciousness by eliminating harmful toxins (Ama) from the body. Derived from the Sanskrit word Panchakarma, it means "five actions" or "five treatments".

Panchakarma treatment in Rishikesh, India consists of these Five Actions -

1. Vamana (Vomiting)

It is a process of guided vomiting that expels toxins. It is generally practised in the Kapha-inducing period in late spring or early summer.

2. Virechana (Purgation)

The process consists of clearing the bowel system with the help of laxatives. This action helps to remove excess Pitta from the system.

3. Basti (Medicated enema)

Basti is the process of cleansing the large intestine or colon. The process includes infusing natural oils into the rectum to eliminate waste and toxins. It helps to remove excess Vata from the body.

4. Nasya (Medicated Nose Oil)

It is a nasal herbal remedy used to cure ailments of the senses (ears, nose, eyes, etc.), throat and head. It is known to improve eyesight, sense of smell and hearing.

5. Raktamoshan (Toxic Bloodshed)

This is therapeutic toxic bloodshed that involves releasing toxic blood from different parts of the body. Impure blood is excreted as it causes various skin and body diseases.

It is one of the essential processes of Ayurvedic treatment in India. It is based on the ayurvedic principle that each human being is a unique phenomenon that manifests through the five essential elements: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. These elements combine into three doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. When this balance of these three doshas is disturbed, it leads to disease. Panchakarma is performed individually for each person, considering their specific constitution and disabilities.

The Panchakarma treatment in Rishikesh, India offers a systematic cleansing process which consists of three phases- The preparation phase (poorva karma), Principal procedures (pradhana karma), and Post-therapy procedures (paschat karma).

About Ayurvedic Treatment at Shiv Holistic Yoga School

Shiv Holistic School aims to create a customized ayurvedic treatment plan that includes diet, exercise, herbs, yoga, meditation, and massage to reestablish balance in a person's doshas. The methods followed by Shiv Holistic School are mainly through natural healing techniques like Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Panchakarma and Yoga. Some elements include:

  • Cleansing and detox: Detoxification is done through fasting, enemas, diets, and body treatments, herbal medicine.
  • Yoga/Meditation/Exercise: Customized exercise, meditation and massages are recommended to balance the doshas. Examples include massage with herbal oils.
  • Herb drinks: Herbal teas to balance the doshas are also recommended.

Shiva Holistic Yoga School, one of the oldest Panchakarma centre in Rishikesh, India follows a 3H vision. 3H stands for - Holistic, Health and Healing. The school believes in holistic healing and maintaining a naturally healthy lifestyle. The main goal is to circulate the proven benefits of yoga, provide practical yoga training and education, and create general awareness of holistic education in society.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic & Panchakarma Treatment in Rishikesh, India

Shiv Holistic School offers a Panchakarma centre in Rishikesh and also an Ayurvedic centre in Rishikesh which offers four types of Ayurvedic treatments.



Shirodhara is an Ayurvedic treatment in which a medicated oil or decoction is dripped slowly and evenly onto the forehead, allowing the oil to flow from the scalp to the hair.

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Herbal Steam

Herbal Steam

Herbal vapours include decoctions of medicinal herbs to induce sweat or perspiration. This treatment aims to release toxins in the body and promote overall well-being.

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Scrub therapy

Scrub Treatment

Scrub therapy is an Ayurvedic massage therapy that helps remove toxins from the skin. Targeted strokes exfoliate and stimulate the body. They are combined with energizing...

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Panchakarma means "five actions". Panchakarma is a robust Ayurvedic detoxification process. It helps prevent disease, maintain seasonal health, promote longevity and...

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Ayurvedic centre in Rishikesh, India

Shiv Holistic Yoga is India's first ISO-accredited yoga training institute and partner of many top sports and health clubs in Mumbai. They have experience providing Yoga teacher training courses, training corporate sectors, and conducting personal and group yoga classes. Shiv Holistic Yoga School also offers Ayurveda in Rishikesh, India. In the lap of Mother Ganga, it offers facilities including Yoga Teacher Training, Rejuvenating Panchkarma Centre, Naturopathic Courses, Medicines, Yoga Therapy Healing and Ayurvedic Medicine. The objective is to rejuvenate and cleanse the mind and body on the path of spiritual growth. It is one of the eminent certified Ayurveda centres in Rishikesh, India. Ayurvedic doctors of Shiv Holistic Yoga School in Rishikesh, India will help you to find the right Ayurvedic treatment.

Benefits of Ayurvedic & Panchakarma Treatment

The wide range of benefits that Ayurvedic treatment in Rishikesh India provide are -

  1. Synchronize with our inner essence
  2. Respect and develop our strengths
  3. Know our Challenge Areas
  4. Redirect detrimental lifestyle choices
  5. Maintaining balance in adversity

Panchakarma treatment in Rishikesh India also has immense benefits. They are -

  1. Cleanses the body
  2. Release toxins
  3. Promotes metabolism
  4. Reduces weight
  5. Increased strength of digestion
  6. Relaxation of mind and body
  7. Boost immunity
  8. Reduces stress

Frequently Asked Questions

Ayurvedic treatment is an internal cleansing process which includes special diets, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga and meditation. It attempts to treat the root of the disease rather than just the affected organ. Ayurveda in India gives equal significance to the prevention of diseases as well as cure. However, it is always recommended to consult an Ayurveda specialist for safe healing.

Ayurvedic treatment in Rishikesh, India, gives immense importance to lifestyle which involves mental health, physical exercise and diet to improve the overall well-being of life. Ayurveda helps to treat the underlying root of the disease. It is used to heal mild and chronic ailments of the mind and body.

Ayurveda uses chemical-free organic supplements to treat ailments which are safe for the body and mind. It uses different natural herbs, milk, honey, ghee, oil and other natural products. The products used in Ayurvedic centres in Rishikesh, India, are entirely free from chemicals and preservatives.

Panchakarma is an ayurvedic technique to cleanse the mind and body through Five Actions. It helps to balance the Vata Pitta and Kapha. The 5 Actions are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamochana.

Vamana (Vomiting) is a process of guided vomiting that expels toxins. Virechana (Purgation) consists of clearing the bowel system with the help of laxatives. Basti (Medicated enema) is the process of cleansing the large intestine or colon. The process includes infusing natural oils into the rectum to eliminate waste and toxins. Nasya (Medicated Nose Oil) is a nasal herbal remedy used to cure ailments of the senses (ears, nose, eyes, etc.), throat and head. Raktamoshan (Toxic Bloodshed) involves releasing toxic blood from different body parts, which may lead to skin and body diseases.

Panchakarma treatment in Rishikesh, India, is executed taking into consideration every unique body constitution. A special diet is put together to prepare the body to go through each phase of the purification process. Generally, a light, easily digestible diet is recommended during the Panchakarma process.

Although Panchakarma can be effectively practiced at home, it is advised to perform the activities under the supervision of an expert. One of the best places to perform it is in the ayurvedic centre or a panchakarma centre in Rishikesh, India. An expert can evaluate and suggest the necessary regimen for our unique constitutions.