200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Discover the Best Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

You can dig deeply into the age-old principles and practices of Kundalini Yoga at our well-known 200-hour teacher training course in Rishikesh. Our knowledgeable teachers, skilled in the Kundalini awakening technique, will lead you through a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses every aspect of this fascinating tradition. Yoga Alliance USA has certified Shiv Holistic Yoga School's 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course. We are the ideal choice for you whether you want to improve your life by studying yoga for yourself or to help others by obtaining a professional degree and knowledge.

Discover the principles behind chakra healing and how to open your body's energy centers. By combining asanas, pranayama, mantra chanting, meditation, and specific Kundalini practices, you will clear and activate each chakra, facilitating a balanced flow of energy throughout your body. We have thoughtfully created our course to accommodate practitioners of all skill levels, whether you are a beginner or experienced. Our skilled teachers provide each student individualized attention, making sure you get the direction and encouragement you need to advance in your practice.

Participate in our Kundalini Yoga courses in Rishikesh to witness the life-changing potential of this age-old discipline. Our 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course will provide you with a solid foundation in the practice of Kundalini Yoga, enabling you to instruct others in this profound knowledge as a qualified teacher.

200 Hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training

200 hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training India

– Gateway To Becoming A Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Discover Kundalini Yoga's beauty and strength in the mesmerizing city of Rishikesh

Selecting our Kundalini Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is the first step in a path of self-realization and development. Our curriculum includes teaching methods and sequencing strategies in addition to the philosophy, anatomy, and physiology of Kundalini Yoga. Additionally, you will have the chance to develop your own practice by immersing yourself in daily sadhana and establishing a connection with your inner divine nature. You may connect with the ancient yogic traditions that have been practiced in this country for generations through our authentic and transformational Kundalini Yoga TTC in India.

Our goal is to offer the best Kundalini Yoga TTC in India. Our broad curriculum, peaceful environment, and skilled teachers make us the go-to place for anybody looking to dive deeply into Kundalini Yoga. Come along with us on this incredible path of self-exploration and spiritual awakening, and let Kundalini Yoga's power to work in your life. The 200 Hour Kundalini Yoga TTC is suitable for those who:

  • Are looking for a balanced lifestyle and a comprehensive approach to wellness in both body and mind.
  • Are seeking self-discovery via chakra awakening.
  • Wish to develop their understanding and practice in Kundalini yoga.
  • Want to establish a firm foundation in Kundalini yoga.
  • Interested in its philosophy and other fundamental practices.
  • Aspire to share their knowledge as internationally renowned yoga teachers.

Kundalini Awakening & Chakra Functions

Positive energy flows from all directions and carries a person in that path. It happens when the body's seven chakras are in harmony and moving in the proper direction. Chakras are the energy centers found in the human body. They travel down the spine from the crown to the base. They perform a number of functions, including as boosting immunity and managing bodily functions. If one or more of your chakras are blocked or unbalanced, you may experience instability on all levels including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Our bodies include seven chakras in total.

  • Muladhara
  • Sahastrara
  • Ajna
  • Anahata
  • Manipura
  • Vishuddhi
  • Svadhishthana

It becomes much more important that you practice meditation in a peaceful environment. One way to help the chakras open is to pay attention to your breath. But if all seven of these chakras are aroused, you also need to maintain control over it. Muladhara is the root chakra, or the basis of the human body's physical and spiritual existence. All six levels of the chakras continue to exist on this primary chakra. Above the Muladhara, in a kundalini chakra, is Swadhistan, the center of all procreative force. Manipura chakra, also known as the power seat, which is the third Kundalini chakra. It is located below the navel.

Anahata governs human emotions, is located in the middle of the chest in the spine. When aroused, this chakra can reveal a profound sense of contentment and tranquility. Vishuddhi represents purity and is situated in the cervical plexus, directly behind the throat area. Ajna is widely renowned for its ability to control the whole physical body. It's there in the middle, between both of your eyes, right over your eyebrows. Sahasrara is located in the center of the skull, right above the spinal cord. This chakra is symbolised as a multi-petalled lotus and is said to represent the pinnacle of achievement in physical presence.

200 HOUR Kundalini YTT DATES

Course Date
1st Oct to 25th Oct 2023
3 seats left
1st Nov to 25th Nov 2023
3 seats left
1st Dec to 25th Dec 2023
5 seats left
1st Jan to 25th Jan 2023
4 seats left
1st Feb to 25th Feb 2023
7 seats left
1st Mar to 25th Mar 2023
6 seats left
1st Apr to 25th Apr 2023
8 seats left
Shiv Holistic Yoga School certification

200 Hour Kundalini YTT - Certification

We provide a 200-hour Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh, India, which is certified as RYT200 by Yoga Alliance USA. You will get the knowledge and abilities needed to impart the priceless gift of inner peace to others by signing up for this course. After completing the courses for teacher training, you will get the esteemed title of Registered Yoga Teacher from Yoga Alliance. You can explore a wide range of options on your yogic path and reach new heights in the yoga industry with this certification.

Yoga Alliance RYT- 200

To become a Registered Yoga Teacher, one must finish 200 hours of Kundalini yoga teacher training and meet Yoga Alliance's minimum training hour requirements. You might become globally recognized as a yoga teacher and register with Yoga Alliance USA as RYT200 after completing your 200 hours of training. The next stage for yoga instructors who have enrolled as RYT200s is to complete a 300-hour teacher training course.

After receiving the certificate, you can also apply for the RYT 200. In addition, Shiv Holistic Yoga School guarantees that you will continue to get benefits even after the training is over. Yoga Alliance has an online directory where anyone may search for you. Consequently, you will also receive a lot of instructional inquiries from there.

Indian Yoga Association

The school is also registered with Indian Yoga Association & Bharat Sevak Samaj. Indian Yoga Association aim is to promote the tradition of yoga worldwide and conduct extensive research in the discipline of yoga.

Bharat Sevak Samaj

Bharat Sevak Samaj, is a national development agency promoted by the government of India in 1952. Their objective is to encourage vocational education among the people so they can be equipped with the necessary skills on the job, which helps diversify educational opportunities and increase individual employability.

200 Hour Kundalini Teacher Training

You will learn about the roots of Kundalini Yoga and the different philosophical schools of thought that have influenced its development over time.

You will study the human body and its systems, as well as how they relate to Kundalini Yoga practice and teaching.

You will learn how to perform and teach a variety of Kundalini Yoga kriyas, which are sets of exercises designed to stimulate different parts of the body and mind.

You will learn different techniques for Kundalini Yoga meditation and how to incorporate them into your teaching.

You will learn various breathing techniques that are used in Kundalini Yoga, and how to incorporate them into your teaching.

You will learn the meaning and benefits of mantras and chanting in Kundalini Yoga, and how to incorporate them into your teaching.

You will learn how to sequence a Kundalini Yoga class, create lesson plans, adjust students' postures, and use props.

You will learn about the ethical principles that guide Kundalini Yoga teaching, as well as professional conduct and communication skills.

You will have the opportunity to practice teaching Kundalini Yoga, receive feedback from your peers and instructors, and refine your teaching skills.

Daily Schedule

Time Session
05:30 AM - 6:00 AM Morning Bell
06:00 AM - 07:30 AM Hatha Yoga
07:45 AM - 08:45 AM Pranayama & Mantra chanting
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Kundalini Philosophy
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Break
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Teaching Methodology
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Lunch
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Kundalini Kriya/ Yoga Anatomy
04:00 PM - 04:15 PM Break
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM Kundalini Yoga
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM Kundalini Meditation/Yoga Nidra
07.00 PM - 07:45 PM Dinner

Note : The above schedule will be followed from Monday to Saturday. Thursday will be half-day and Sunday will be a free day.

Why You Should Join Shiv Holistic Yoga School?

You should join the 200 hour kundalini yoga course Rishikesh, if you want to become a part of a family-like atmosphere. Meet compassionate and like-minded individuals at the school, which is nestled amidst the most idyllic ranges of the Himalayas. Moreover, you should join the school as the faculty is one of the best, with decades of experience in Kundalini Yoga. The accommodation at the school is one of the finest ones that you can lay your hands on. You should join the 200 hour kundalini yoga teacher training course Rishikesh, if you want to increase your marketability. There is huge competition today, as many people are switching their career midway to be a part of this field. So, you should have done a professionally accredited global course to stand out from the crowd.

Shiv Holistic Yoga School

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Kundalini yoga is different from other forms, as it is more inclined towards the astral body and spiritual powers. Other forms mainly focus on the physical aspects.

Yes, you can join the course as a beginner. It is suitable for all levels, as there are general lessons in the beginning, which covers most of the basics as well.


You can awaken your chakras, by sadhana and initiation from the guru, who will bless you with the awakening of the kundalini power, so that the same rises up while clearing your chakras at the same moment.

All the batches include a maximum of 15 students, so you get personalized attention.

Yes, you can teach right after completing the course.