200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Hey there, all you looking for the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh! Imagine a super cool adventure in India where you'll learn all about yoga and become a certified yoga teacher. Our 200 hour yoga teacher training is like the starting point for a career in yoga. It happens in a beautiful place called Rishikesh, known for its deep yogic roots from the Himalayas. you'll learn different types of yoga, how to breathe right (that's called Pranayama), meditation for a peaceful mind, and even the science behind yoga poses. There's also many cool things about the philosophy of yoga and how to teach it to others in this 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh. The people who teach you are yoga masters, with years of experience.

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training India

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training India

Ready to take your love for yoga to the next level? Join our 200-hour yoga teacher training in India and explore the 5000 year old art & science of yoga

Once you're in, you'll be part of our yoga community and get to explore the deep, ancient secrets of yoga. Shiv Holistic Yoga School teaches you everything about yoga, even stuff that goes beyond just doing poses during the 200 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh.

  • You'll learn two yoga styles: Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. At our yoga school in Rishikesh India, you get the full yoga knowledge – the physical, mental, and even spiritual.

  • You'll go beyond the basics. Yeah, you'll learn the poses, meditation, and Pranayama (it's like a yoga superpower). But, here's the extra cool part – you'll also learn how to teach yoga to others. This is super valuable if you're dreaming of being a yoga teacher someday.

  • We set up practice teaching sessions, giving you a taste of what real yoga classes are like. 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is like a yoga adventure, so you'll feel totally confident when you step out to share your yoga knowledge with others.

If you're already into yoga and dreaming of becoming a yoga teacher, this training is like the ultimate launchpad. You'll be a certified yoga teacher, sharing your passion with the world!


Course Date
1st Oct to 25th Oct 2023
3 seats left
1st Nov to 25th Nov 2023
3 seats left
1st Dec to 25th Dec 2023
5 seats left
1st Jan to 25th Jan 2023
4 seats left
1st Feb to 25th Feb 2023
7 seats left
1st Mar to 25th Mar 2023
6 seats left
1st Apr to 25th Apr 2023
8 seats left
Shiv Holistic Yoga School certification

200 Hour YTT - Certification

When you finish this course, you get a special certificate. It's certified by not just one, but three important organizations: Yoga Alliance USA, Indian Yoga Association & Bharat Sevak Samaj.

Yoga Alliance RYT- 200

Yoga Alliance USA, a non-governmental and non-profit association, plays a vital role in offering authentic yoga education to learners. They issue certifications like RYT 200, RYT 300, and RYT 500. Their primary role is to ensure that schools use the right modules, leading to complete knowledge transfer for students.

Indian Yoga Association

Shiv Holistic Yoga School is registered with the Indian Yoga Association & Bharat Sevak Samaj. The Indian Yoga Association's mission is to promote the tradition of yoga worldwide and conduct extensive research in the discipline.

Bharat Sevak Samaj

Bharat Sevak Samaj is a national development agency established by the government of India in 1952. Their objective is to encourage vocational education, equipping people with essential job skills, and diversifying educational opportunities to enhance individual employability.

We Will Take You Through A Spiritual Journey?

As a part of the 200 hour YTT India, you will be practicing Kirtan, Ganga Arti, and Satsang, The Bhagavad Gita teachings also occupy an important place in the study of yoga. Shiv Holistic Yoga School offers the most well-rounded course today. Participation in the Ganga Arti will transfer you to a higher level of divine consciousness, that is hard to explain. You will also find it, to be just for your Pranayama and meditation journey.

You will also go for Yoga Excursions to the nearby hills and caves. The Vedic texts have provided the knowledge that Rishi Vasishta also meditated in one such cave, before gaining enlightenment. So, you can also get in touch with this spiritual side of nature with us. The 200 hour YTT Rishikesh will allow you to be in sync with the best that the place offers.

The river Ganga also has a huge role to play, in creating the perfect environment for your practice. The 200 hour YTTC India is one of the courses, that will take you through a soul-stirring adventure. Most students, either decide to start teaching, or go for advanced courses, after the completion of the basic course. The 200 hour YTTC Rishikesh will give you a comprehensive overview of the ancient sciences so that you become perfect in your practice and also a self-master.

After you complete the course, you will emerge as a different person, altogether.


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

You will learn how to perform and teach a variety of asanas, including their alignment, modifications, and variations. You will learn Hatha and Ashtanga yoga styles.

You will learn about the roots of yoga and the different philosophical schools of thought that have influenced its development over time.

You will study the human body and its systems, as well as how they relate to yoga practice and teaching.

You will learn various breathing techniques that are used in yoga, and how to incorporate them into your teaching.

You will learn different techniques for meditation and mindfulness, as well as their benefits and how to teach them.

You will learn how to sequence a yoga class, create lesson plans, adjust students' postures, and use props.

You will learn about the ethical principles that guide yoga teaching, as well as professional conduct and communication skills.

You will have the opportunity to practice teaching yoga, receive feedback from your peers and instructors, and refine your teaching skills.

Daily Schedule

Time Session
05:30 AM - 6:00 AM Morning Bell
06:00 AM - 07:30 AM Hatha Yoga
07:45 AM - 08:45 AM Pranayama & Mantra Chanting
09:00 AM - 10:00 AM Breakfast
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Yoga Philosophy
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Break
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Teaching Methodology
01:00 PM - 01:45 PM Lunch
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM Yoga Anatomy/Alignment Class
04:00 PM - 04:15 PM Break
04:15 PM - 05:45 PM Ashtanga Yoga
06:00 PM - 07:00 PM Meditation / Yoga Nidra
07.00 PM - 07:45 PM Dinner

Note : The above schedule will be followed from Monday to Saturday. Thursday will be half-day and Sunday will be a free day.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Rishikesh, you will find an ideal environment for studying and practicing Yoga. Shiv Holistic Yoga School provides a distraction-free environment where everyone is focused on learning and doing yoga.

Whether you're a complete beginner or have some prior yoga experience, you're welcome to enroll in the 200-hour yoga course in Rishikesh. It's designed for newcomers, so anyone can join. If you've been doing yoga on your own without a certification, this course is an excellent opportunity to gain one. This certification will establish your credibility in the yoga market.

Yes, the Rishikesh 200-hour yoga teacher training course is suitable for beginners. You may enroll in the holistic program, finish it, and then begin teaching.

Yes, you can enroll in a 200-hour yoga teacher training course in India and then begin teaching students.

Shiv Holistic Yoga School holds classes with a small number of students. As a result, there is less chaos in the classroom. Furthermore, the teacher will be able to clear all of your doubts on the spot. The YTTC 200 Rishikesh is ideal for those who desire to pursue a holistic lifestyle and profession.